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Life in China

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Hello everyone,

I am H an International student in Fujian Province of China and proud to be sharing my experiences with you all.



I remember the first week I arrived here in China when i was so excited because of new environment and everything changed but at the same time I felt so alone, by leaving all my family and friends behind. The big problem was the communication, as few Chinese can speak English and at that time I was unable to speak Chinese and latterly I leaned little Chinese for daily communication. But my classes started and that gave me a huge motivation because all the people I met were so open and friendly at the moments.


Everything was new for me in new environment as it was my first time away from my family and country. First time, I used Wechat and QQ apps as social media because in China Facebook and Google is blocked. It was very difficult to contact with my Facebook friends but latterly I found the way by using VPN as un-blocker for Facebook. Now I often use wechat instead of Facebook.  


During my first semester I was very happy to meet with many new friends, some of them from different countries and many from China. I was trying to improve my Chinese language for easy communication in daily life. Chinese felt very happy to meet first time and want to add my wechat or qq then we often chat and learn from each other as it was new friendship. We often went out for visit around or tea together. Sometime I teach them our country language but it was very interesting moments which I still remember.  Chinese are very sincere and regular with their time and work schedules which I like the most.


Time passed very quickly and with the passage of time friendship should be stronger. But in my stay here I have experienced that friendship was only for the current time and later will not same as first time. For example, Chinese never contact me firstly without any kind of information as is common in our side to send greetings, morning messages or so on, But Chinese most of the time ignored it and say that sorry, we are busy, we have no time, we have many things to do but when I went to lab they were watching movie. Oh.. I still don’t understand why they very busy?  As they were also students as like us, but why they are very busy? Is that excuse for ignoring? ……………… Most of the time, they were busy in mobile or on social media.

随着时间的过去,我觉得我们的友谊应该会随着时间的增长而增强,但这种情况只在刚刚交朋友的那会,慢慢的就没有了。比如说,中国人从来不主动给我发问候信息,比如早上好之类,而在我的国家,这很寻常,给他们发问候信息后,他们从来不回,问他们为啥,他们说太忙了,没空,有太多事情要做 ,但每次我去实验室,都看见他们在看电影、玩游戏。我真的不懂他们为什么这么忙,他们跟我一样,也是学习,但是他们忙啥呢?难道是找借口忽略我吗?但多数时候,他们忙看手机,忙社交媒体。

It was my last semester and I was going to graduate in June, I tried contacting all my old Chinese friends and want to arrange a dinner or reunion party together. But I was surprised to see that many friends  deleted my wechat, and some  blocked  my wechat,  oh:  but when I tried to contact with them on phone calls they rejected my phone calls, I still not understand why this?>>>>>>>> still waiting why this????


 Everywhere have some good memories and some bad experiences, during my stay I have experienced that the first impression of Chinese friendship is not the same as last impression, mean that when first time met they were very friendly and I cannot explain my feelings of that friendship here. But I am still waiting for the answer, why the last impression is not same as first impression??


All people are not same everywhere, but still waiting for you friends.

See you again

