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To Pakistani Friend:远离垃圾人

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A Pakistani student and his Chinese girlfriend came out of a bar early this morning and had a dispute with a Chinese rider on a moped. The cyclist stabbed him with a knife and died after being taken to hospital.



May decedent’s soul rest in peace. I am sure the Chinese government will give the murderer the harshest punishment



I tell you my story.



On a weekend afternoon, the sun was shining, the spring breeze blew through the small river in the university town. I walked along the sidewalk along the river with Zaka and the baby, A man walked past us, he was wearing a pair of glasses, about 25-30 years old, thin, 170cm like this, carrying a backpack. When he passed by us, he said: foreign garbage. The sound is not loud, but it is very clear to me to hear. I know very well that he is talking about Zaka, or telling me.



It is a pity that Zaka’s Chinese is not very good. He did not listen to the words of foreign garbage into his ears.



After he passed, I asked Zaka, did you hear what that person just said? Zaka said he didn't know. I told Zaka, he was saying foreign garbage to us. I explained to Zaka the meaning of foreign garbage. He knows what is garbage, but 洋he did not get. After the explanation, I asked Zaka, are you angry about what he just said to you? Zaka said, no, not at all, everywhere there are such kind of person.further more, I tell Zaka that man is a  Diao Si. 屌 ( penis, you know) and Si(small), Zaka laughed out loudly after my explain. Actually, Diao Si means loser, but Chinese describe it in this way.



That glasses man, is what we often called “garbage man”.



The Garbage Man doesn't know anything about Zaka, Zaka is kind, gentle man, has lovely children, a warm family, and I bet he must be academically not as good as Zaka (although there are a lot of Ph.D in China), no matter In any case, Zaka can not be called garbage.



We didn't go to dispute with him, and we didn't say anything, because we knew it was garbage.



A lot of people are like "garbage people". They run and run around, full of negative garbage: full of frustration, anger, jealousy, calculation, hatred, arrogance and prejudice, greed, complaint, comparison, full of ignorance, ignorance, ignorance, vexation, retaliation, and full of disappointment. With the accumulation and accumulation of rubbish in the mind, they need to find a place to dump. Sometimes we just run into it and rubbish is thrown away on us...



2013 July 23, at about 8:50pm, at the bus stop on the west side of Wudian Road in Daxing District of Beijing, two men in a car had a dispute with a woman pushing a 2-year-old girl in a stroller. One of the men raised his hand hitting the woman, and afterwards, he took the baby girl out of the stroller and slammed her heavily onto the ground, then fled the scene in his car. After the incident happened, the baby girl was confirmed dead while en route to the hospital.



A woman, identified as Wu, was beaten to death on 2014 May 28 at a McDonald's outlet in Zhaoyuan in Shandong, after she refused to give her cellphone number to the cult members.



Most of the Chinese have heard this above cases, all victims encounters garbage people.







Stay away from these garbage people:

Drunk person

The wine encourages wuss pussy, they will unscrupulously release their inner cruelty, and do not think about speaking or doing things. Whether they are not violent or not, it is good to smell less of their alcohol.


Fierce attitude person

Don't make a head-on collision with such people. They don't think about the consequences when they do things. They have nothing lose. They don't care about anything.







 What to do when you meet a garbage person?

1, you can not afford to offend, but you can afford to hide from him.

2, return with smile face. When I met the garbage man, I smile and walk away. When he saw that you were not irritated, he walked away boringly.

3, Call 110. In China, the police are very reliable.

4, admit you are wuss pussy. This is the best way, and no one knows if the loser keep a knife with him or not. Just think that there are still a bunch of relatives in your family, they need you.



Just remember, if you look in the face of evil, evil’s going to look right back at you.