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中巴经济走廊十年--建设互联互通、经济转型和区域一体化 研讨会

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IPDS主席Farhat Asif博士强调了此次网络研讨会的重要性,并介绍了即将出版的新书《中巴经济走廊:巴基斯坦十年转型——区域影响与进步》,该书由两个研究所共同完成。巴基斯坦研究中心主任唐骏对这本书发表了自己的见解,重点关注了巴基斯坦在过去十年中取得的长足发展。



本次网络研讨会由中国研究中心主任向阳·斯卡特(Xiang Yang Scarlet)就数字互联互通进行了讨论,OIC研究中心副主任金强教授则对美学卡车艺术的文化融合潜力进行了讨论。白沙瓦大学中国研究中心主任Kauser Takrim博士强调了中巴经济走廊的地区影响。

同时,俾路支省BUTTEMS中国研究中心主任Abdul Sattar博士对中巴经济走廊的成就和挑战进行了反思。百泽战略研究所巴基斯坦研究中心助理主任赵志玲和北京大学副教授张嘉梅强调中巴经济走廊所体现的深厚友谊和互利共赢。


Islamabad, 28 December 2023 (TDI): CPEC has played a pivotal role in fostering a community for a shared future between China and Pakistan, significantly transforming Pakistan’s economic landscape and contributing to poverty reduction.

The implementation of connectivity projects, particularly in farm-to-market initiatives, has brought revolutionary changes to agriculture and industrial development in Pakistan. Collaborative efforts in energy projects and advancements in digital technologies underscore the depth of cooperation between Pakistan and China. 

While looking at the decade of CPEC’s impact, the glo

bal community must recognize its status as a game changer and a fate changer. Beyond offering peace and stability to a historically volatile region, CPEC demands international attention to consider this project not as a competitor to anyone but as a collaborator and cooperation initiative.

These sentiments were echoed by speakers during the Webinar on A Decade of China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, organized by the Centre for BRI and China Studies, Institute of Peace and Diplomatic Studies, and Pakistan Research Center, Inner Mongolia Honder College of Arts and Sciences, China, in collaboration with the Alliance of China Pakistan Research Centers. 

Dr. Farhat Asif, President of IPDS, emphasized the significance of the webinar, introducing the forthcoming book, “CPEC: A Decade of Transformation across Pakistan – Regional Impacts and Progress,” a collaborative effort of both institutes. Richer Tang Jun, Director of the Pakistan Research Center, offered insights into the book, focusing on the developmental strides made over the decade.

Dr. Xiaqing Xie, Director of the CPEC Research Centre, highlighted the poverty reduction impacts of CPEC in Pakistan through energy projects. Dr. Liaqat Ali Shah, Head of Policy, Centre of Excellence for CPEC, emphasized the role of academia and think tanks in formulating actionable policies.

Prof. Dr. Sun Hongqi, Director of the Pakistan Center for Educational and Cultural Studies, Jiangsu Normal University, emphasized the close ties between China and Pakistan, drawing global attention to CPEC. Dr. Tahir Mumtaz, Director of the China Study Centre, stressed the importance of people-to-people exchange and scientific innovation. 

The webinar featured discussions on digital interconnectivity by Xiang Yang Scarlet, Director of China Study Centre, and the cultural bonding potential of aesthetic truck art by Prof. Jin Qiang, Deputy Director of OIC Research Centre. Dr. Kauser Takrim, Director of the China Study Center at the University of Peshawar, highlighted CPEC’s regional impact.

At the same time, Dr. Abdul Sattar, Director of China Study Centre, BUTTEMS, Balochistan, reflected on the achievements and challenges of CPEC.  Zhao Zhiling, Assistant Director of the Pakistan Research Center of Baize Institute for Strategy Studies, and Dr. Zhang Jaiamei, Associate Professor at Peking University, emphasized the deep-rooted friendship and mutual benefit exemplified by CPEC.

The webinar successfully gathered distinguished scholars and researchers from China and Pakistan, offering valuable insights into the ten years of CPEC progress.