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Quora关注Neman Ashraf好久了,Neman是个小警察,为什么时候是个小警察呢!因为级别比较低,Police constable,最低级别的警察。虽说警级很低,在知乎上写文字却写的跟母语级别人一样好。Neman家境不大好,上的是非英文授课的学校,英文完全是他自学的。


This is awkward.


And sincerely, the idea of having you go through this. cringes me. Im having a situation that demands dire resolve and after thinking long and hard over it and failing to find a solution, I have decided to share it with you in hopes of a miracle.


 Our house needs to be rebuilt from grounds up as It is over 50 years old structure and in quite a poor condition. After spending years in service and with all the savings this is what I could barely afford to buy in name of a house. It has cost me every dime and then some.


 Still, its a wonderful realization that I have my own house. I had never imagined of this all my life. I mean out of a $300 monthly paycheck, its rather impossible to endure through all the expenses at home and still be able to save something like this..


 This is some achievement.


 Since we moved in, I knew whats coming next. a full reconstruction from scratch. Walls are built with clay, the roof is willing to give up. No matter how good you mop the floor, its no use as dirt keeps popping from cracks. Just a six feet high boundary wall is a continuous concern for my familys safety whenever Im gone to work. But of course, we made it work thankfully as an average small house price ranges around $50,000 while we got ours for a bit over $14,000. This is like moon for us. My kids have their own place now and their mother is grateful to finally have her own house.

自从我们搬进来后我就知道接下来会发生什么... 从头开始完全重建。墙是用粘土建造的屋顶是完全开放弃的。不管你擦地板有多好污垢总是从裂缝中冒出来。只要我去上班一堵六英尺高的边界墙是我家庭安全保障值得高兴的是,我们周围的房子平均是5万美金(人民币34.5万),我们的却只花了1.4。这是我们梦寐以求的东西我的老婆和孩子终于有了自己的家,非常感激着一切。

 What actually caused the gravest concerns about the worsening situation of this house was the rains. The roof started dripping, water rushed through the walls spilling clay all over like its some waterfall ruining the furniture and everything.


 I have to admit that the house needs to be properly reconstructed sooner than later. An average estimate is around $19,000.


 Thats too much for me.


 Even if I start saving in die hard mode for the remainder of my service in the Police department and if that became feasible somehow the cost would have tripled anyway by that time. No bank is going to loan me given my profession.


 I have no means to manage that on my own.


 So I came with this to you as a last resort.


Well, more of a desperate and shameless plea for crowd funding. I humbly request you to please take this into consideration and see if you can spare a few bucks comfortably. That would mean the world to me. Its a very big sum and Id thankfully accept any size of donations since every penny counts.


 Maybe Ill make it. 


Last year I ran this campaign for two months, nearly a hundred people donated an amount over $4700 but unfortunately, it didnt go on for long enough as the relevant payment processor shut it down. Since then, besides spending over 15 hours a day at work, I have been carrying this frustration for inability to run this campaign and its been depressing.


I want to say, Im hopeful.


 For, I believe in you.


You can either click the blue button to donate through DonorBox pop-up form  Donate or visit my DonorBox fundraiser page.


 My bank details.


Bank name:           Standard Chartered Bank, Pakistan.

Account name:     Neman Ashraf

Account #:            01716697201

IBAN #:                 PK66SCBL0000001716697201

Swift code:           SCBLPKKX

 Help me raise funds to be able to rebuild our house and provide my little ones a better living environment. Ill be eternally grateful to you.
